
Future-Plus Environmental was contracted to undertake Telemetered Turbidity Monitoring and water quality monitoring in Lamerough Creek, frog surveys, fauna spotter catching and site audits for the construction of an arterial road corridor for the AURA Stockland development. The construction footprint associated with these works traverses through sensitive wallum frog habitat. FPE developed a Construction Environmental Management Plan and were onsite to trap and relocate several hundred frogs from the area.



start date:



3 years


Bells Creek, QLD

Our Role

Future-Plus Environmental was contracted to undertake the following services for Shadforths:

  • Strategic environmental advice and approval documentation
  • Active nocturnal surveys for frogs
  • Fauna Spotter Catching during vegetation clearing
  • Monitoring of baseline and during construction water quality via telemetry data loggers installed and maintained on site
  • Site audits to assess environmental controls and works onsite